How Do Facial Exercises Work? (1/6)


Imogene O. Boyett

According to psychologist Lindh, "facial exercise helps your facial muscular tissues increase their power as it works on them." You are, in a sense, contributing to the recontouring of your face while performing them. This is because you are carrying out the recontouring. As we age, we lose more collagen, resulting in wrinkles, sagging, and drooping skin. This method will continue till we reach our senior year.Lindh claims that increasing the size of your facial muscles causes collagen levels to decrease in parts of your face that would normally suffer a drop due to aging. This includes the area near your cheekbones.
Lindh explains that "muscle is muscle." When you go to the gym to work out or exercise, your facial muscles react alongside those in your arms and legs. In some areas, movement contributes in the creation of warmth and microcirculation; the stronger the muscles beneath the skin, the tighter the skin appears at the surface.

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