I guess she really doesn’t like her feet. (13/26)


Imogene O. Boyett

At the same time, I have no objections to the process of image alteration. When all is said and done, I am always altering the colors or making the image more colorful. I have even gone as far as using the replacement tool in order to get rid of that pimple that formed on the day that I was due to go out. The act of smoothing the skin and other similar practices is probably something that a lot of individuals do.

Due to the fact that many social networking apps feature automatic smoothing that we are unable to disable, we just become accustomed to seeing ourselves in this manner. As a result, we do not always realize that we are doing it. Having said that, it is of the utmost need to comprehend that making significant alterations or completely altering your physique and face can only be detrimental to you in the long run.

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