Power Up With Coffee! (9/30)


Imogene O. Boyett

It has been an amazing pleasure to create comics about coffee for those who have the same passion for the beverage as I do. Hearing that my stupid comics that are fueled by caffeine made someone's morning more enjoyable is the sweetest thing that could happen to me. The only thing I want to accomplish with this endeavor is to spread more and more cheerful and silly energy around the planet. Having said that, it is inevitable that not every single cartoon that I create will strike a chord with every single person, and that is simply the way things are. Because of the way social media algorithms operate, we may experience feelings of inadequacy if we do not achieve a specific amount of engagements with each post we create. However, engagement counts do not really reflect the value of art. Therefore, at the end of the day, my primary objective is to just enjoy myself while creating work that I find happy in the process of creating, and I hope that some of that happiness can be shared with other people.

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