Proper Headstand Form Guide (20/20)


Imogene O. Boyett

Align your body correctly for a safe and effective headstand. Focus on elbow positioning, engaging your core, and maintaining a long spine for the perfect posture.

Benefits of the Correct Steps:

Engaging Core Muscles (Top Section)

The answer is yes (Elbows hug in): This method guarantees that your core and shoulders sustain the headstand, so protecting your neck and back.

When you perform this exercise with your elbows extended, you place unnecessary strain on your neck and jeopardize your equilibrium.

Correct elbow alignment benefits the head and neck by providing support, reducing strain and enhancing upper-body strength.

Strong and Straight Legs (Bottom Section)

Yes (Strong Legs, Hips Over Shoulders): When the spine is in the proper posture, the legs are engaged, the hips are perfectly aligned over the shoulders, and the spine is straight.

No (Rounded and Abandoned Back): A rounded back and hips that are not properly positioned produce spinal stress and make it difficult to maintain balance.

Advantages: Proper alignment provides benefits such as increased core strength, improved balance, and a lower risk of injury, particularly to the lower back.

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