The Creation Of Cat-Dam (7/15)


Imogene O. Boyett

Furthermore, Svetlana provided additional information regarding her lovable orange cat, Zarathustra.

Zarathustra was a natural born artist, and he was aware that he was creating art. He was always extremely friendly to photographers, and he knew what a photographer was. He started flattering these individuals, which is incredible, considering how well he knew what a photographer was.

In my flat, there is a platform that is covered by a large carpet, and it appears like a stage. He had a room that was specifically designed for him to work as a model. As soon as Zarathustra expressed his desire to strike a position, he instructed me to travel to this location, where I would then lie down on this carpet and begin to strike really humorous poses while maintaining a very serious expression. He was able to make a variety of looks that were intensely expressive and had a rich mimicry.

In addition to this, he is possibly the only cat in the world to have become a contemporary artist on his own. In his career as an artist, he spent time working in the fields of performance art, institutional critiques, and appropriation art. Also, he was a personal friend of mine, and we had a great understanding of one another. In addition, he served as my inspiration (or Mews). Through him, I experienced a sense of closeness to my mother, who had passed away. If my mother were to see what we have accomplished together with him, I believe she would be overjoyed.

Regrettably, Zarathustra, who was only 16 years old at the time of his death, passed suddenly on December 16, 2021 due to pancreatitis. But through my artwork, he continues to exist. My computer is filled with a large number of photographs of him, and I am currently working on new paintings with him. Due to the fact that I am a member of the eternal digital universe, Zarathustra continues to exist in my artwork. Exactly how I feel about it is as follows.

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