The Furry Night (1/15)


Imogene O. Boyett

Original artwork: "The Starry Night" by Vincent van Gogh.

loknam reached out to Svetlana, who graciously provided additional information regarding the narrative behind how she initially conceived of the idea for FatCatArt and what prompted her to merge classic works with the quirky presence of her orange cat.

"My cat, Zarathustra, was the initial source of inspiration for me. When my mother went away, I got a cat, and it was then that I became acquainted with this amazing feline. In reality, Zarathustra was the one who rescued me from the despair that followed shortly after. The fact that my mother had such a deep affection for the cat is, in my opinion, the reason why he acquired such a sensitive nature. He made the decision to pursue a career in modeling and performance art on his own. He took great pleasure in striking poses for photographs. His positions were so alluring, and his expressions were so intelligent that it seemed as if he was saying, "Paint me like these French girls...' So I did."

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