The Purrsistence Of Cats’ Meowmory (5/15)


Imogene O. Boyett

Zarathustra thought on his journeys throughout the history of art and its modern growth, and he displayed paintings done by great masters of the past and present with him as a meowdel and a Mews. This gave me a lot of encouragement, and I built the website, where he included these paintings.

As another source of motivation for this effort, I looked to the internet. I had a dream that I would conduct an experiment with the purpose of creating a meme for the internet that would be both beautiful and brilliant. This virus would bring some information and some stimulation to learn more. Rather than merely replicating what has been done in the past, it ought to be a virus that encourages individuals to be open to acquiring new knowledge. Originals should be searched for by everybody who comes across my cat drawings. There are a few of them that are worth a try, but it is important to note that not all of them do that. The paintings that have been altered to depict cats are a perfect example of what I consider to be a creative and beautiful meme. I gained a great deal of knowledge as a result of working on this project. I gained a lot of knowledge by studying the styles of past masters as well as their processes in order to create paintings that appear to be genuine paintings created by old masters.

Together with my mother, I spent every weekend of my childhood going to the Hermitage Museum.

Once that happened, Zarathustra the Cat appeared in my life. It was as if my mother had dispatched him to look after me while she was away and to escort me back to the museum.

A successful outcome was achieved by my experiment of generating an online meme about art history. Without any effort on my part, Zarathustra was able to dominate the World Wide Web and the paintings that were available on my website became viral on the internet. "Famous paintings improved by cats" went viral and became popular memes, both of which contributed to the Fat Cat Art project becoming a phenomenon on the internet.

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