Why Is Peanut Butter Considered A “Healthy Fat?” (1/8)


Imogene O. Boyett

All fats, whether saturated, unsaturated, or trans, belong to one of three groups. Most fatty foods contain some unsaturated fat, however the majority of the fat is saturated. When opposed to hazardous saturated and trans fats, heart-healthy unsaturated fats are the superior choice. Peanut butter is largely made up of unsaturated fats, which account for around 81% of the overall fat content.

Saturated fat is commonly found in foods baked with butter, such as cakes, cookies, and other similar goods, as well as in animal products such as milk, cheese, or meat. A saturated fat-rich diet can cause high cholesterol and cardiovascular problems.
Trans fat is fat that has been stored for an extended period of time through a process known as "hydrogenation," which causes the fat to become more rigid. Trans fats are included in many processed foods, including chips, crackers, cookies, and other baked items. Avoid as much trans fat as possible because it contributes significantly to the development of high cholesterol.
Most unsaturated fat comes from oils and plants. Consuming unsaturated fats can lower your cholesterol and lessen your risk of developing heart disease. Peanut butter is regarded as a healthy choice because it contains unsaturated fat.

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