Instead of MBTI and horoscopes: how do Asians check compatibility by blood type?


If you are into Asian culture, you have probably heard about blood type compatibility. Let’s see how you can find your best friend and love using only your medical record 😅

Nowadays, we are so used to standard horoscopes that you can’t see anyone with them anymore. On the contrary, it has become even shameful to draw conclusions only based on the date of birth – here you need at least a natal chart, a Tarot card layout and a numerologist’s analysis.

It would seem impossible to conduct a deeper investigation, but Asia has its own system of 
“ketsu-eki-gata” , which can also help to understand others a little better and find your soulmate. To do this, you just need to know the blood type 😉

How did the ketsu-eki-gata system come about? 🤷🏻‍♀️

It all came from Japan, where they came up with a system called 
“ketsu-eki-gata” . According to this philosophy, it is believed that people with different blood types have different temperaments and are endowed with specific qualities.

In 1927, Professor 
Takeji Furukawa of Tokyo Women’s Normal Institute published an article “A Study of Temperament by Blood Type” in the scientific journal “Study of Psychology”. Although there was little science there, the idea quickly became popular, inspired followers to do research and created a new classification. At that time, Japan even tried to create super soldiers exclusively by blood types, and now you will understand why 🧐

What does your blood type say about you? 🤔

Anime “Blood Type!”

Each blood group is a separate archetype, which is characterized by different behavior patterns. There are four of them: 
O (I) , 
A (II) , 
B (III) and 
AB (IV) . If you know yours (and this is necessary even just for your own health) and the person you are interested in, then you can quickly put the character on the shelves 😉

Hunters – O (I) 

People with the first blood type are distinguished by a large reserve of energy, determination, sociability and optimism. They are considered good leaders and warriors, so it is often among them that HR managers look for bosses in Asia (no joke).

True, there are also disadvantages: they are often too narcissistic and arrogant, so such a boss will not please everyone. They can lead, but they are not very good at obeying. As you understand, in love they are also used to leading and being the center of attention, so don’t even think about provoking him to jealousy 😓

Farmers – A (II)

People with the most common blood type are known for their efficiency, diligence and calm nature, so most office workers are usually looking for them. Everything is fine, but perseverance and persistence have a downside: you shouldn’t try to convince them, because it won’t work anyway.

“Twos” have their own opinion on everything, so it is difficult for them in places with a strict hierarchy. But in creativity, they can open up one hundred percent. In relationships, it is sometimes difficult for them, because expressing their feelings can be difficult. This requires a lot of care and patience ✊🏻

Nomads – B (III)

Restless carriers of the third blood group are famous for their fickle nature and desire to try something new. They are considered the most artistic natures, who plunge headlong into dreams and creativity. It is not worth giving them something very responsible, but if you need to arrange a flight of fantasy – this is the right place.

Their independence from other people’s opinions has become a good support for fame, but with a loved one it can be a minus. Due to their bright temperament, they usually have many fans, but they can become completely attached to few. Such swings often become the main obstacle to serious relationships 💔

Riddle – AB (IV)

If you’re into Asian pop culture, you’ve probably heard that people with blood type 4 are often referred to as 4D personalities. This is a nickname for those who act a little crazy, but there’s something to it. Their charm is hard to understand, but almost impossible to resist.

Often among them there are geniuses who love solitude, so now you know where to look for that very Elon Musk. In love with them it can be difficult, because their mood can change too quickly and unpredictably 🥺

How to check compatibility by blood type? 💖

After some time, archetypes even had their own compatibility table by blood type. If you know even this information about your partner, then feel free to look. The best combos are: 
O+A (I and II) and 
B+AB (III and IV) 👏🏻

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