MBTI Will Not Be: 8 Interesting Personality Type Tests That Will Tell You More About You


If you want to learn more about yourself, personality tests will come to your aid. You answer a certain number of questions and get an analysis of what kind of person you really are.

People have always been interested in learning more about themselves. It all started with temperament types (melancholics, sanguine people, etc.), and then many other alternatives appeared from astrological signs of the zodiac to the multi-layered MBTI.

But it doesn’t end there. In recent years, other systems have been formed that allow you to get to the hidden corners of your mind and look at your personality from the outside. This allows you not only to track in the moment which character traits prevail most, but also to influence your development in the future. Catch 8 more test options that will open the doors to the depths of your soul 👇🏻



One of the most popular psychological systems, which appeared back in the 70s. In total, the enneagram includes 9 personality types: perfectionist, helper, boss, achiever, individualist, skeptic, observer, enthusiast and peacemaker. Each type is interconnected with others and only the combined influence of each makes our society better.

Over the years, the model has become controversial to many, and has gradually given way to more complex and modern theories. The advantages of such a test: you can find out your strong role and understand the internal drivers that move you specifically towards your intended goal.



Another concept from the 90s, which will remind many of the current MBTI. It is based on the theory of 16 immutable psychological types (yes, the same thing). The only thing is that the testing format itself and the wording of the questions are different, which makes the process of passing different. Some people think it is outdated, others – more structured.

Unlike the same MBTI, socionics adheres to the fact that one of the main mental functions always dominates and does not change during life – logic, feelings, sensations and intuition. Then an additional one joins it, which forms all 16 types.

Personality Types by Blood Groups

Personality Types by Blood Groups

Not exactly a test, but this system also determines character traits and the strongest qualities of individuals. Blood group typing is most popular in Asia. It is believed that people with a certain group come from the same ancestors and have not only similar temperaments, but also food and behavioral inclinations.

For example, those with the first blood group are “hunters”, extremely active individualists and leaders who are difficult to obey. By the way, employers can use this data to assemble teams. You can read more about this in our separate article.



The typology was developed in the mid-80s on the basis of socionics, but already with an upgrade. If the former considers something to be an unchangeable part of the personality, then psychosophy concentrates on determining the priority sphere for a person (will, logic, emotion or physics), as well as the formation of his own ideas about the inner world and possibilities.

All categories are added together to form 24 variants of personality types in psychosophy. These tests are quite extensive and detailed, so they are suitable for those who want to dive deeper and are ready to dive deeply, so to speak, into the material.

Space types

Space types

There are quite a few similar tests, we will analyze only a few. Cosmos Persona is a typing system where personality variants are based on cosmic objects. Based on the results, the test forms the strengths and weaknesses of the personality, selects the best combos with other types, and also gives several signature phrases that best characterize each.

Are you a light cone, dark energy, comet, black hole or gravity? The test is simple, does not require diving into the basics of psychology and is interestingly colorfully designed. Just the thing for quick entertainment and comparing answers with friends.



In total, 12 personality archetypes were formed according to Carl Jung’s system: Idealist, Altruist, Realist, Hero, Seeker, Lover, Rebel, Creator, Ruler, Jester, Sage and Magician. Each of them describes the innate mental structures of a person, which are immortal and universal. They are applicable to people of any culture, mentality and generation.

Nowadays, many authors have developed this model and adapted it to modern realities, giving various options for their implementation. For example, taking into account the typical reactions of each person to certain triggers, it is possible to avoid conflict situations in relationships and teams.

Enneagram Instincts

Enneagram Instincts

There is also an additional test within the enneagram with three subtypes of instincts – social, sexual and self-preservation. Each of us has all three, but only one prevails. This largely determines our reaction to various stressful situations, as well as ways to deal with internal problems and depression.

How is this useful? The result will tell you which basic needs are most important to satisfy. If you focus, for example, on everyday pleasures (delicious food, quality rest and safety), then the “self-preserving” ones will be much more effective than those who need regular social contacts and sex.

Personalities are like cakes

Personalities are like cakes

Another fun test called “What Cake RU?”, which, by analogy with space, will show what kind of person you are using examples of various desserts. This concept is more aimed at the sphere of self-realization, so the results will help in work and communication with colleagues.

The test will tell you which profession suits you best, which tasks you can handle more effectively, what employees usually think of you, and will also show what each person is especially good at. You can become a multi-layered matcha cake, strawberry, cupcake, macaroon, roll, and so on. It’s better not to take it on an empty stomach 😁

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