October Birth Month Flower Meanings: Marigolds and Cosmos


The month of October is here, and just like every other birth month, it has unique flowers that have a major value, the same as how birthstones have significant meaning. When it comes to birthday presents, if you are unable to afford rubies or sapphires, a bouquet that corresponds to the recipient’s birth month would still be pretty lovely! If there are any babies born in October for whom you need to get a present, these are the flowers that you should purchase for their birth month bouquet.

What Are The Birth Flowers for October?

The marigold and the cosmos are the two flowers that are associated with October.

The flower heads of marigolds are spherical and ruffled, and they are colored in tones of orange and gold. Marigolds are like little bursts of sunshine. Marigolds are joyful and vibrant. Some are characterized by streaks of flaming red, which serve to enliven the landscape with the brilliant colors of the sunset. However, some species of marigolds are indigenous to California and the southern United States of America. The majority of marigolds originate from Mexico or India.

Cosmos are actually near relatives of the marigold, yet, despite their appearance, they are more similar to daisies. In addition to white, they are available in a wide range of lovely colors, including baby pink, magenta, purple, and white. They are well-known for having petals that are symmetrical in a pleasing manner and that are arranged in pairs all around the bloom.

October Birth Flowers: What is the Meaning of a Marigold?

Considering their sunny golden hue, it’s no surprise that marigolds represent optimism and warmth! They signify the path that lights our way—not just on earth but also in the afterlife. This is why people include marigolds in displays and altars to honor ancestors in cultural festivals like Dia de los Muertos. They also symbolize the light within us that gives us the power and strength to persevere.

October Birth Flowers: The Meaning of Cosmos

In Greek, the word “kosmos” refers to the order and harmony that exists throughout the universe. The name “cosmos” originates from this definition. The beauty of the flower cosmos is a symbol of tranquility, calm, and order. Bringing to mind the scales of Libra, the astrological sign for October babies born before the 23rd of October, the dual nature of the petals and their exquisite symmetry is a clear emblem of balance. If you have a friend who was born in October and has a passion for astronomy, space, and studying the cosmos, or if they are simply a huge fan of Carl Sagan, then a birth flower arrangement that includes some cosmos will be impressive!

Additionally, the cosmos is symbolic of grace, completeness, and simplicity due to the delicate single row of petals that they possess, which is both beautiful and subtle. The aroma of their delectably fragrant scent lends an atmosphere of calm and serenity to the environment. Considering that opal and pink tourmaline are the birthstones for October, some people believe that if you are going to arrange a bouquet for a birth month, you should stick to pink and white cosmos.

To achieve the full effect, place your floral arrangement that corresponds to October in a container that is either pink or white. Because pink is one of the strong colors associated with Libras (those born before October 23rd), this is an excellent choice! You might add a little bit of blue as a decorative accent because light blue is another color that would be appropriate for Libra. If you are a Scorpio and were born on or after October 23rd, you should decorate the container with accents in the colors that are considered to be their power colors: crimson, purple, or black.

If you are looking for something to complement the unique flower arrangement you have created for your birthday, you can never go wrong with giving someone a new houseplant as a present. The great assortment of colorful houseplants that we have is arranged into categories such as those that are suitable for pets, those that require little upkeep, and even trailing plants that can be used to create beautiful hanging baskets. All of our plants are sent from our greenhouse in California using packing that is both secure and efficient. This is done to ensure that your new plant arrives in pristine condition.

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Aria has always loved reading and learning about the world we live in. While she enjoys fictional books and stories just as much, since childhood she was especially fascinated by encyclopaedias and strangely enough, self-help books. As a kid, she spent most of her time consuming as much knowledge as she could get her hands on and could always be found at the library. Now, she still enjoys finding out about all the amazing things that surround us in our day-to-day lives and is blessed to be able to write about them to share with the whole world as a profession.


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