Playful Art Is My Way Of Cheering People Up, Here Are My Newest Illustrations 


My name is Mongs, and I work for Milkyprint Illustration. To portray the comedy that may be found in ordinary life, I enjoy employing wordplay that is light-hearted. Making art that is fun is one of the ways that I try to brighten up other people and bring a little bit of joy into their day. In this collection of ten images, the themes of distributing smiles, igniting laughing, and discovering joy in the mundane are explored.

If you enjoy brilliant puns and whimsical stories, I invite you to join me at Milkyprint. I would be delighted to share these little moments of happiness with you.

More information may be found on Instagram,, and other websites.

#1 Take Out Coffee

I am thrilled to announce that I have acquired a new following on Bored Panda since the last time I posted there. The method in which people interact with my artwork, on the other hand, is what truly jumps out. It does not matter if the reaction is good or bad; what matters is that my work resonates with people and provokes conversations, which is a really satisfying experience for me as an artist.

#2 Avocado Pit-Ness

I get the impression that someone is giving it their best! You can truly sense the passion that someone is putting into something, whether it’s a person, a pet, or even an artist at work. When someone puts their heart into something, you can just feel it. What is he working on that inspires him to devote so much of his time?

#3 Caring For Your-Shelf

You have a wonderful way of playing with words! It seems like a smart term for anything that has to do with books, whether it be organizing your bookshelf, recommending books on self-care, or even decorating with a personal touch. “Caring For Your-Shelf” Do you have a particular concept in mind for this, or is it simply a fun notion that you stumbled across as you were doing this?

For the most part, I do not adhere to a rigid timetable when it comes to the creation of images. Instead, ideas seem to come to me at random, sometimes when I am least expecting them. The actual illustration technique often takes between one and two hours to finish, despite the fact that it takes some time to completely create these concepts.

#4 Grape Discovery

When it comes to managing the group with self-assurance and charm, “the leader of the bunch” is always the one who sticks out. Whether it’s a group of friends, a team, or even a pack of dogs, the leader is often the one who establishes the norm for the rest of the members of the group. Which party is taking the initiative in this matter?

#5 Sock Mates

When I originally began, my illustrations were lighthearted and humorous. However, as time went on, my style evolved to become more expressive. Despite the fact that my style is still lighthearted, the notions I use today represent more profound realizations that I have gained from my life. The linework in my work has also become more refined, and it now has flatter, brighter hues and clearer linework for a design that is both simple and striking.

#6 Feline Positive

Cats have the potential to be wonderful huggers if they were a little more enthusiastic about the concept. When they do wind themselves up next to you or drape themselves across your lap, it seems as if they are offering you a warm and comforting hug. When they are very amorous, some cats may even wrap their paws around you, which might be considered a fairly close calling! If only they were as excited about hugs as dogs are, which they are not…

#7 Focus Right

It has been a wonderful experience for me to get several emotional comments from those who have shown their love to their loved ones via the usage of my artwork. One particular post in particular became extremely popular, garnering over three million likes and more than half a million shares. Finding out that my effort may have an impact on such a large number of people and reaffirming how truly devoted we are all to loving one another was a really humbling experience.

#8 Back To School

A smart combination of concepts, that’s for sure! That picture of dominance would surely be suited to a tyrant who orders everyone around, and the allusion to the Moebius strip adds a wonderful twist—quite literally!

A Moebius strip is a unique and interesting metaphor for power loops or cycles that never actually come to an end because of its limitless nature. And of course, a Moebius strip being removed… well, that could just raise a few eyebrows with BP (or anybody else who is trying to keep things a little bit more “PG”). That is quite the witty and amusing thinking spiral that you have up there!

#9 Game Over

Please accept my sincere gratitude for the unwavering support you have shown; it means everything to me. My motivation to create and interact with each and every one of you is sustainably fueled by every like, share, and message.
I am really moved and sincere by the message that you have shared! Giving individuals the opportunity to know how much their support means to you is always a lovely experience.

The act of expressing gratitude for the likes, shares, and messages received may significantly enhance the connection you have with your community and ensure that the wonderful energy continues to flow. It is quite evident that you are inspired and appreciative of the assistance that you receive!

#10 Sew In Love

I can only imagine how funny it was! The sort of laugh that never stops is often the kind that makes you laugh out loud when anything makes you laugh out loud. Why did you find yourself laughing so hard? Was it a joke, a humorous video, or perhaps something completely unexpected?

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Debra K. McDonald
Debra K. McDonald has a natural curiosity for the intricate details of life, always asking "why" and "how." Her love for storytelling began with bedtime stories her grandmother told, sparking an interest in writing from a young age. Whether she's crafting engaging fiction or exploring insightful non-fiction, Mia’s words come from a place of passion and understanding. Writing has become her way to connect with the world and help others discover the wonders she sees every day.


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