Take the quiz below to find out what your primary body shape is...

And I’ll show you some of the most flattering clothes for your shape, and share some valuable tips to help you confidently shop for clothes that work for you, so you enjoy getting dressed!

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Next, sign up to access valuable tips over the next 3 days, that will:

  • Show you some of the most flattering clothes for your shape this season, 
  • And help you confidently shop for clothes that work for you.

Look Great!

You’ll know which clothes look good on you, so you can stop wasting money on disappointing outfits and start putting together outfits you enjoy wearing

  1. 1 How would you describe your shoulders?

    1. Broad and prominent
    2. Narrow compared to hips
    3. Balanced with hips
    4. About the same as my waist
  2. 2 How would you describe your hips?

    1. Narrow
    2. Wider than my shoulders
    3. Balanced with shoulders
    4. Same width as my shoulders and waist
  3. 3 What is your waist like?

    1. Hard to define; my midsection is broader
    2. Noticeably narrower than my hips
    3. Narrow and well-defined
    4. Minimal definition; more straight
  4. 4 Where do you tend to gain weight most easily?

    1. Around my stomach
    2. In my hips, thighs, or buttocks
    3. Evenly distributed across my body
    4. Hardly in specific areas
  5. 5 When looking at your silhouette, how does your upper body compare to your lower body?

    1. My upper body is larger
    2. My lower body is more prominent
    3. Both are balanced
    4. Straight with minimal curves
  6. 6 How do fitted dresses look on you?

    1. Snug around the stomach area
    2. Tight around the hips and thighs
    3. Perfectly balanced overall
    4. Straight without much waist definition
  7. 7 Which best describes your overall shape in the mirror?

    1. Wider at the top, narrower at the bottom
    2. Narrower at the top, wider at the bottom
    3. Well-proportioned curves
    4. Straight and uniform
  8. 8 What happens when you wear belts?

    1. They highlight my stomach
    2. They emphasize my hips
    3. They enhance my defined waist
    4. They don't create much difference
  9. 9 How does weight gain affect your body?

    1. It’s mostly noticeable in my midsection
    2. It’s primarily in my lower body
    3. It’s spread evenly
    4. It’s not concentrated in any one area
  10. 10 What best describes your overall proportions?

    1. I’m broader at the top than the bottom
    2. My bottom half is fuller than the top
    3. I have a balanced upper and lower body with a small waist
    4. I’m straight with no prominent curves


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  1. Quiz result

    You are an Apple Shape (Inverted Triangle)

    Broad shoulders and a larger midsection define this shape.

    How To Dress An Apple Body Shape – A Personal Stylist’s Guide

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  2. Quiz result

    You are a Pear Shape (Triangle)

    Narrow shoulders and wider hips create this silhouette

    Everything you need to know about the pear body shape in 2024

    Share Your Result
  3. Quiz result

    You are an Hourglass Shape.

    Balanced shoulders and hips with a defined waist.

    A Personal Stylist’s guide to dressing an hourglass body

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  4. Quiz result

    You are a Rectangle Shape (Athletic).

    Straight proportions without prominent curves.

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Emery has always had a love for history and storytelling. As a child, she was captivated by the tales of ancient civilizations and the remarkable figures who shaped the world. Now, she combines her love for historical facts with a gift for narrative, creating compelling articles that bring the past to life in vivid detail. Chloe believes that every story has the power to teach, and she loves sharing that wisdom with her readers.