The Artist Created 9 Hilarious Comics Featuring Absurd Situations


On this episode of Bored Panda, Daniel Matheson is back! The comic strip artist that is responsible for the ‘Barely Baked Beans’ series is responsible for creating humorous cartoons that feature outlandish scenarios, smart dialogue, and surprising turns. Perhaps you are familiar with his work from our prior post; however, if you were not able to see it, here is an excellent opportunity for you to catch up.

Daniel was called by us in order to discuss his comic series, and the first thing that we asked him was about the themes that appear often in his work. The following is what he disclosed to us: At a glance, the concept consists of two canines attempting to live the greatest life possible with their human companion.

On the other hand, if you look a little more closely, you will notice that the repeating theme is how I represent the contemporary relationship that exists between people and their dogs, which I believe is really relevant.


“Over the course of time, the relationship has evolved from that of a master and a pet to that of a man’s best friend to that of a housemate, who does not provide any tangible contributions but feels as much of a member of the household as their human counterpart. Therefore, if you are away at work for the entire day, for instance, your pet will feel as though they are fatigued when you get home since you have been responsible for watching the house the entire time.


“I’m not what you would call a good artist,” Daniel said in response to a question about how his artistic style has developed since he began crafting Barely Baked Beans. To tell you the truth, I didn’t begin drawing at all till a few years since I first started! It has been like seeing a puppy learn how to run; there has been a lot of stumbling, and some panels have appeared as if they were drawn by a dog.

The evolution has been like that. However, as time went on, I was able to find a balance between simplicity and expressiveness that I felt happy with. However, I would say that there are instances when it gives the impression that it is still in the process of being baked (pun intended).


Following that, we were interested in learning which particular components Matheson considers to be the most successful in generating comedy in his work. Now, here is what we discovered: I’ve discovered that the most hilarious moments for me are frequently the result of watching the everyday and reinterpreting it in a manner that is consistent with my brand.

For instance, if your dog discovers a tablet hidden in their meal, what is the first thing that comes to their mind? In my opinion, that was a betrayal. With that being said, what is the most clear line of action to take? ‘See how much they like it!’ they said, putting narcotics in the food that their humans eat.


The artist acknowledged his past expertise with animation in the piece that we had previously published. We were intrigued about the ways in which this experience informs the way he develops his static comics, particularly with regard to the progression of the tale and the visual storytelling. “Learning to animate has made me more aware of how shows like The Simpsons and American Dad use angles to make scenes visually dynamic,” said Daniel.”

It’s been a great experience.” Playing with perspective is something I do now when I make comics. I do this to ensure that the setup is visually appealing before the punchline arrives. It is a more understated approach to generating excitement and maintaining interest for the entirety of the event.


Horses can be a little bit uncommittal when it comes to being saddled, but I believe that we all have our limitations when it comes to making commitments that are for an extended period of time. Perhaps this one simply found it more enjoyable to be a free spirit!


Last but not least, the cartoonist discussed some of his most beloved comics that he has produced up to this point: “My favorite Beans brand comic is of a situation where Beans and his human are sitting on a park bench.” In his explanation, the person states that the scent of bacon being fried in the distance, which is carried by the wind, causes him to have intense feelings.

After he has gone into great detail about it, he then inquires of Beans whether he smells something that causes him to experience intense emotions.

A straightforward response from Beans is “Yeah, turds primarily.” The fact that a man is having a conversation with his dog that is both sincere and intellectual is one of the reasons I appreciate it.

This is an illustration of the balanced relationship that exists between a human buddy and a pet in the present era. And although while the dog’s response is straightforward and humorous, it is not incorrect; rather, it is accurate and factual. If a dog smells the business of another dog, it will pick up information about that dog.

I also take pleasure in the fact that, just below the surface, the energy of the straightforward encounter is that of a kind similar to that of a close friend or a bonding type.


Absolutely! It is impossible to dispute that excellent nom nom is universal; when the cuisine is exactly right, there is no rejecting it! And what has been your go-to nom in recent times?


Every once in a while, in order to deal with the issues of today, you will need to think creatively. Describe a contemporary challenge that has required you to get inventive in recent times.


When other people fail to see or comprehend the significance of your ideas or creative vision, it may be quite irritating.

In some cases, new or distinctive points of view are difficult for other people to comprehend because they provide a challenge to the established norm or call for a shift in thinking. What is the subject of your vision? It is possible that we might investigate it and discover methods to communicate it so that other people may see its brilliance.

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Debra K. McDonald
Debra K. McDonald has a natural curiosity for the intricate details of life, always asking "why" and "how." Her love for storytelling began with bedtime stories her grandmother told, sparking an interest in writing from a young age. Whether she's crafting engaging fiction or exploring insightful non-fiction, Mia’s words come from a place of passion and understanding. Writing has become her way to connect with the world and help others discover the wonders she sees every day.


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