This Girl’s Friends Are Furious After Finding Out That The House They’re Renting Actually Belongs To Her


“They just found out someone they saw as an equal has been lining their pockets with their rent money.”

In the topic, users describe how they dealt with a scenario and ask others if they were an asshole. If you have been online at any point in the previous few years, you are most likely familiar with this subreddit. Earlier this month, a young lady went viral for her question regarding whether or not she ought to have mentioned the fact that she is the landlord of the house in which she and her female housemates reside.

The post starts out with user

In the beginning of the post, the user OldOutlandishness252 provides a description of the circumstance. The statement that she made was as follows: “So, I am very fortunate to have two very hardworking parents who are successful and love me.” She was 18 years old. Despite the fact that we are not particularly affluent, we are pretty comfortable since my parents are very astute when it comes to money.

One of the components of our real estate portfolio is a number of residences, which we rent out in order to generate additional revenue.

“I just started college, and as a reward for my hard work and the fact that I was accepted to the school of my dreams, my parents gave me one of our properties that is located in close proximity to my establishment.

In spite of the fact that I was going to inherit them all anyhow, I was quite grateful for their generosity. Due to the fact that the real estate legislation in my area is very complicated and that we would be required to pay substantial taxes in order to formally transfer the house to me, my family and I have made the decision to have my parents legally own it for the time being.

The house is pretty big with four floors

“The home is rather large, with four floors, and because it is located close to my school, I made the decision to hunt for roommates so that I could begin earning money at an earlier age. So far, I have two housemates who are also students at my institution.

We will refer to them as Sasha (18 years old) and Bea (19 years old), both of whom are female. Since we have been living together for a few months now, we have developed a strong friendship with one another and are really compatible with one another as roommates.

It is possible that I am the jerk in this situation. I didn’t want to inform them that I owned the house because I was afraid it would lead to an awkward dynamic between us, and I didn’t want them to have a different opinion of me as a result of that.

It is technically true that I am not responsible for paying any of the bills or the rent. They are unaware that I am the owner of the house or that my father just pays the money back to me by virtue of the fact that we have different surnames and my father is the legal owner of the house.

Sasha recently found the money my dad sent back 

During the time that I was in school, Sasha discovered the money that my father had given back to me. She informed Bea about it, and a few days ago, they confronted me about it. I have disclosed all of the information to them, and they are upset with me for keeping this information from them. Not only do they believe that I am wrong for keeping it a secret, but they also believe that I am wrong for making them pay any rent at all.

Due to the fact that the mortgage on the property has already been paid off, I am responsible for paying the rent in full. In my response, I stated that they should not have gone through my mail in the first place and that it was against the law, which I had to acknowledge was a bit of a low blow.

When they moved in, we were not friends, and I wanted roommates so that I could earn additional money, so I don’t see why I should let them live for free. I wanted roommates so that I could earn extra money. Where can I find AITA?

The original poster

“We have a system where whoever is home brings all the mail in and puts it on the kitchen island,” according to the original poster, which also provided more clarification into how her roommates had seen the money that her father had sent her. Bea was the one who carried the mail in, but Sasha was the one who opened it before I arrived home.

“When Sasha saw the checks from the landlord to me with the exact amount of her and Bea’s rent, she put two and two together and proceeded to question me when I returned home. My father had mailed two checks with the amount that Sasha and Bea had paid. She opened my mail for no apparent reason, and I have no idea why she did so. Since I’ve never seen her spying before, it’s possible that she has done so in the past but I just didn’t see it.

I do all of my business online

She also added, “I do all of my business online, but my dad bought a fancy custom mailbox, and he’s trying (and failing) to convince my mom that it wasn’t a waste, so he likes to mail EVERYTHING now.” This was in answer to people who had asked her why her father had written her a check in the first place. The situation is really absurd, and following this encounter, we will certainly be conducting all of our financial transactions online.

In addition, she stated, “I’m not a mega-rich person. I maintain that.” I do realize that I am extraordinarily fortunate in comparison to the majority of other Americans; yet, in my mind, mega-rich individuals are those like the family of my boyfriend who own actual mansions and have boats, or celebrities and billionaires who have private aircraft, etc. I am of middle class status in comparison to the majority of my pals.

 Their reactions justified your decision

Many of the commenters, like u/RumSoakedChap, felt that she’d done nothing wrong — and, in fact, that her roommates were at fault here for opening her mail. “Not the asshole. Their reactions justified your decision not to tell them about owning the house.”
“Even if they agreed to pay the rent, they would continue to persistently beg you as a ‘friend’ for extensions, delays, and even simple forgiveness on the rent. Maintain your firm stance.

 She really needed to acknowledge her privilege

Some people, like as the user inscrutablejane, believed that she should truly realize the advantages that she has. The statement that they made was, “You are not an asshole for keeping your situation private, but having multiple rental properties that are paid off equals wealth.” There is a good chance that the majority of your classmates’ parents do not even own the house in which they reside, or at the at least, not without a mortgage that is thirty years long.

The revenue that they will bring in from your one enormous property is likely to be greater than the income that they will generate from their first professional employment after college. For the rest of your life, you need to be conscious of the ways in which it will influence the interactions you have with other people.

It’s weird and shady to build your relationship

A user with the name of ImpossibleResolve597 said, “You are the fool. When you establish your relationship with your housemates on falsehoods, it is quite strange and questionable. You give the impression of being untrustworthy and manipulative, and your housemates have every right to feel as though they have been deceived.

In addition to the fact that you have been playing mind games with them, there is a significant power and legal distinction between a group of housemates and a live-in owner. Being honest about your circumstances from the very beginning would have been a much more appropriate course of action.

Moreover, it is undeniable that you are affluent. Respectfully, you need to take into account how difficult things are for a lot of other people and gain a better understanding of how lucky you are. The fact that your housemates wanted to avoid paying any rent was completely inappropriate; yet,

I believe that their surprise and irritation stem more from your deception than from your ability to think clearly. They just learned that someone they considered to be on an equal footing with them had been using their rent money to line their own pockets.

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Debra K. McDonald
Debra K. McDonald has a natural curiosity for the intricate details of life, always asking "why" and "how." Her love for storytelling began with bedtime stories her grandmother told, sparking an interest in writing from a young age. Whether she's crafting engaging fiction or exploring insightful non-fiction, Mia’s words come from a place of passion and understanding. Writing has become her way to connect with the world and help others discover the wonders she sees every day.


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