This Very Un-Entertained And Sleepy Creature From South America Is Everyone’s New Spirit Animal


This last year has been quite challenging, and at this point, all of us are exhausted, dissatisfied, and feeling the desire to take a sleep as soon as possible. On the other hand, there is a glimmer of optimism that this whole issue actually has a silver lining that will perhaps help you feel at least a little bit better.

A few days ago we got some pictures regarding the viscacha, a rodent native to South America that, according to appearances, appears to be an animal that embodies all of the emotions that the majority of us have been experiencing throughout the course of our lives.

This South American animal that sort of looks like a mix of a rabbit and a chinchilla is called the southern viscacha

This South American animal that sort of looks like a mix of a rabbit and a chinchilla is called the southern viscacha
southern viscacha

Pictures credits goes to Wittman tours.

Today I learned that this exists. It’s a viscacha. I feel you, buddy.

Recently, this adorable creature has been going viral for its incredibly relatable facial expression

image credit goblinkoenig

Our most recent online phenomenon, an animal that appears to be a hybrid of a rabbit and a chinchilla, makes the animal appear to have drooping mouth corners and eyes that are virtually always closed. This gives the impression that the animal is perpetually depressed, dissatisfied, and tired.

As you can see, the southern viscacha looks as if it’s tired, disappointed, uninterested, and in desperate need of a nap

image credit Rick_helme

A rodent that is indigenous to the countries of Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, and Peru is known as the southern viscacha. Among rocks and in the vicinity of crags, they have little groups of residence. The majority of the time, these viscachas are active in the hours immediately following dawn and in the evening. During the rest of the day, they typically remain underground in their respective hiding places. In addition, they spend some time bathing in the sun, grooming themselves, and sleeping while seated on a rock.

image credit S.rae

Grass, moss, and lichens are the primary sources of nutrition for southern viscachas.

However, they are subject to adverse weather conditions and are hunted for their flesh and fur. Although there are no serious threats to the population of these animals, their conservation status is now considered to be “least concern.”

Thousands of people on Twitter seem to be relating to southern viscachas on a spiritual level

image credit Sunnyvale_Supe
Image credits NichHarri
Image credits FlamingMarmlade

Besides, our latest internet sensation has already inspired quite a few talented artists

Image credits DannyPlaysGamez

Do you have any prior experience with this animal? Would you agree with us that his amusing face expression is applicable to you as well? Comment below and tell us what you think!

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Lynette D. Brown
Lynette D. Brown writing is driven by her love for adventure and new experiences. Whether it’s an insightful piece on travel or a fun exploration of fashion trends, her enthusiasm for life is infectious. Ava has a knack for turning even the simplest moments into something extraordinary, and she thrives on sharing those stories with readers who are as curious and open-minded as she is.


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