When you want to take a picture, you have to be in the right place at the right time. Some of the most amazing timed shots are in this collection. They make you wonder if it was skill, luck, or a mix of the two. These pictures show life in all its strangest forms, from animals doing funny things in the middle of an action to nature at its most beautiful. Every picture tells a story, and we can’t wait for you to see the magic of perfect time.
It’s now your turn! Look through the collection and make up your own mind: are these pictures just lucky mistakes or true works of art? Vote for your picks to help us find the best shot that was taken at just the right time. Let us find the most memorable moment.
The one on the left was quite happily eating away, when the one on the right swooped in from nowhere and pinched it mid flight just as I took the shot.
19 Lost Footing
21 Fauxhawk.
24 Time to run
28 Iguana leap!
29 This deer
35 squirrel
36 NOM
39 Family Photo