Your Perfect tattoo that depends upon your Personality

  1. 1 To start with, what are you most passionate about?

    1. I love to party and try new crazy things
    2. I enjoyed hanging out with my friends, photography, writing. staff like that
    3. travelling, seeing new sights
    4. Music
    5. My boyfriend or Girlfriend. He or She is AMAZING
    6. Art
  2. 2 What is your favorite genre of music?

    1. Classic rock, indie, alternative
    2. Rock, Emo, Screamo
    3. pop, Hip hop
    4. Romance songs
    5. What ever suits my mood aha
    6. Calm, laid back music, Something relaxing
  3. 3 How would you describe your personality?

    1. Artistic, carefree, go with the flow type
    2. Romantic, sweet, funny
    3. Shy, Sweet and quite
    4. crazy, wild and adventurous
    5. Creative, sweet and funny
    6. crazy, rebel and carefree
  4. 4 This really is important for this quiz so I apologize but... what's your favorite color?

    1. Blue, green, brown, natural colors
    2. black, red, gray
    3. Pink, purple, blue, rainbow
    4. red, blue, white
    5. light blue, light pink, light yellow
    6. calm colors such as blue, green, gray
  5. 5 At what age will you get a tattoo?

    1. 15 or 16. I am waiting till I am 18
    2. probably for my 18th birthday
    3. When the right person come along and we both agree to get one together
    4. Whatever the times come. I am going to rush it, I will get one when for the reason
    5. When I start the travelling the word whatever the word is
    6. I will get it when I find a song that makes my hearty skip a beat
  6. 6 What is your style?

    1. carefree, torn jeans, band shirt, converse or vans
    2. cute dress, dress, heals and my hair always look good
    3. black leather jackets, torn jeans, simple shirt
    4. leggings, long bagging shirt, combat boats
    5. neon shirt, skirts, flats
    6. Simple jeans, T-shirts and some boots
  7. 7 Last question, why do you want a tattoo?

    1. To show it off. It's like permanent accessory
    2. to express myself
    3. To capture good memories
    4. So that I will me and my lover always will remember each other
    5. To always remember special song
    6. It's art work and awesome

Your Perfect tattoo that depends upon your Personality

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  1. Quiz result

    Tattoo sleeve <3

    You got the awesome tattoo sleeve. It goes perfectly with your crazy personality!

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  2. Quiz result


    You got the star tattoo, which goes perfectly with your spunky personality and bright color scheme!

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  3. Quiz result


    You got the star tattoo, which goes perfectly with your spunky personality and bright color scheme!

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  4. Quiz result


    You got the compass tattoo! It shows your desire to travel and see the world. It also compliments your carefree, hipster personality.

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  5. Quiz result

    Star Tattoo

    You got the star tattoo, which goes perfectly with your spunky personality and bright color scheme!

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  6. Quiz result

    Artistic Tattoo

    You got the artistic watercolor tattoo! One of my personal favorites. This ink shows your passion for art and life!

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Aria has always loved reading and learning about the world we live in. While she enjoys fictional books and stories just as much, since childhood she was especially fascinated by encyclopaedias and strangely enough, self-help books. As a kid, she spent most of her time consuming as much knowledge as she could get her hands on and could always be found at the library. Now, she still enjoys finding out about all the amazing things that surround us in our day-to-day lives and is blessed to be able to write about them to share with the whole world as a profession.


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