40 Funny Photos Without Context That Get Weirder The Longer You Look At Them (New Pics)


People love weird things. Those photos that the more you stare at, the more uncomfortable it becomes or some of those photos don’t make sense at all right? Well Bewilderment can be a really frustrating feeling. I felt like that through out high school while studying physics and it was the worst. Or when I am doing my taxes? Just kidding I don’t do taxes. Now you may think I do not want to be confused. But being in a state of bewilderment is not always bad.

Let us introduce you to the subreddit called “hmmmm”. r/hmmm is a subreddit with nearly 2 million followers that is known for posting some of the weirdest pictures on the web. The description says “Internet in a picture”. This forum thrives on finding deliciously absurd images, and some of the rules regarding what can be posted include, for example, “no text in the picture (except regular logos)” and “all post titles must be ‘hmmm’ (in lowercase)”. We have gathered some of the most weird and funny pictures we could find. We hope you’ll enjoy – but don’t worry if your brain hurts after looking at them. If you’re still feeling like there’s no connection whatsoever between this list and the photos, then make sure you scroll down after you’re finished to Bored Panda’s latest post featuring this very same subreddit.

  1. 1 Hmmm

    Imogene O. Boyett

    People love weird things. Those photos that the more you stare at, the more uncomfortable it becomes or some of those photos don’t make sense at all right? Well Bewilderment can be a really frustrating feeling. I felt like that through out high school while studying physics and it was the worst. Or when I am doing my taxes? Just kidding I don’t do taxes. Now you may think I do not want to be confused. But being in a state of bewilderment is not always bad.
    Let us introduce you to the subreddit called "hmmmm". r/hmmm is a subreddit with nearly 2 million followers that is known for posting some of the weirdest pictures on the web. The description says "Internet in a picture". This forum thrives on finding deliciously absurd images, and some of the rules regarding what can be posted include, for example, "no text in the picture (except regular logos)" and "all post titles must be 'hmmm' (in lowercase)". We have gathered some of the most weird and funny pictures we could find. We hope you'll enjoy – but don't worry if your brain hurts after looking at them. If you're still feeling like there's no connection whatsoever between this list and the photos, then make sure you scroll down after you're finished to loknam latest post featuring this very same subreddit.

  2. 2 Hmmm

    Imogene O. Boyett

    Deadpan comedy has been around for at least a century, first noted in a New York Times story in the 1920s, but it, like everything else, has evolved and adapted to the times. While it originated in Vaudeville stage acts, it later gained popularity on television and has now spread to the internet. Although it is questionable whether a snarky tweet for comedic effect qualifies as deadpan (in the absence of a dead facial expression), the humorous notion remains the same.

  3. 3 Hmmm

    Imogene O. Boyett

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    Imogene O. Boyett

    Bill Murray and Leslie Nielsen are prime examples of deadpan comedians. Throughout the 1980 picture Airplane!, Nielsen and a large cast of characters delivered deadpan lines. Arrested Development and Curb Your Enthusiasm are two contemporary examples of popular sitcoms that incorporate dry humor. Sacha Baron Cohen popularized the method by delivering his zany personas to unsuspecting strangers in films like Borat and Ali G. Nathan Fielder follows a similar technique, adopting virtually unnoticeable deadpan toward the business owners he interviews on his podcast, Nathan For You.

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    Imogene O. Boyett

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    Imogene O. Boyett

    The moderators of the hmmm subreddit define "hmmm"s as "textless images that make you think about the context, do a double take, invoke a deeper meaning, or just leave you thinking about how or why they exist". "hmmms should be aesthetic and meaningful" as well as "avoid anything that is merely r/mildlyinteresting" . It sounds kind of deep, doesn't it? This subreddit, which appears frivolous and entirely for fun, encourages us to sit in our curiosity, just as we did as toddlers. And maybe a little misunderstanding is good for us.

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    Imogene O. Boyett

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    Imogene O. Boyett

    Confusion is not a normal emotion (like happy, sorrow, anger, and fear), but it is included among the "knowledge emotions" according to Paul Silvia, an author and psychology professor. These are "a family of emotional states that foster learning, exploring, and reflecting" and include surprise, intrigue, bewilderment, and awe. "As a group, the knowledge emotions motivate people to engage with new and puzzling things rather than avoid them," Silvia tells me. "Over time, interacting with new things, ideas, and people broadens one's experiences and develops competence. Knowledge emotions, unlike fear, anger, and happiness, do not prepare the body, but they do prepare the mind."

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    Imogene O. Boyett

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    Imogene O. Boyett

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    Imogene O. Boyett

    Silvia defines bewilderment as "what happens when people are learning something that is both unfamiliar and hard to understand". While many people believe that confusion leads to annoyance and blocking out whatever is causing it, it can actually stimulate "impasse-driven learning". Essentially, our brains are activated, and we begin to pay more attention in order to resolve the issue that we previously did not grasp. According to studies, when students work through their confusion, they obtain a greater comprehension of issues that initially perplex them.

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    Imogene O. Boyett

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    Imogene O. Boyett

    In his article, Giovanni Sabato discusses numerous plausible explanations for what humans find amusing. The first is called "superiority and relief". This theory, which dates back to Plato and other Greek philosophers, is that "people find humor in, and laugh at, earlier versions of themselves and the misfortunes of others because of feeling superior". Later on, the concept of "release" arose. Freud promoted the notion that humans laugh to release "pent-up nervous energy". Another view, which is consistent with the previous discussion, is that "people laugh at the juxtaposition of incompatible concepts and at defiance of their expectations".

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    Imogene O. Boyett

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Imogene O. Boyett
Imogene O. Boyett journey as a writer started with a single notebook and a big imagination. Growing up in a small town, she found solace in creating entire worlds on paper. What began as a hobby transformed into a lifelong career. Today, Sofia blends her love for adventure, culture, and everyday life into her work, providing readers with engaging stories and thoughtful reflections that leave them both entertained and inspired.


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