

Imogene O. Boyett

Despite the fact that it has been successful for the past six years, that system can be very annoying. There are a lot of concepts that I have that aren't even remotely possible for a comic book. If I were to do them, it would take me an eternity, and then fewer people would read them. I mean, I could do them. When it comes to comics, less is more! When compared to a single three-page comic, three more snappy single-page comics will always perform better. Because of this, I couldn't believe my good fortune when Ross from Pencilmation sent me an email asking whether I had ever considered developing a program.

It took us a considerable amount of time to write a script, during which we packed it with humor and made it as good as it could possibly be. However, it wasn't until the script was finished that things started to become more serious. My characters needed to be adapted into animated form, and I was looking for an experienced director who could do so while maintaining consistent with the comic. I was convinced that we had discovered our man when I saw the tryout sketches that Brien Hart had created. Wow, that's a lot! It was a perfect shot!

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