10 Legendary Turkish Foods That Everyone in the World Must Eat

There are many delicious foods in Turkey, but some of them have a special place in the Turkish culture. Even there is a story related to them…


The concept that “after you die, when you are buried into that dark four-wall tomb, you will be asked, how you spent your life” is known to be one of the most widespread beliefs in Turkey. In addition, depending on the response you provide, you will either be rewarded or punished. However, Taner, who is one of my friends from Turkey, tells us this story in a different way, using his own words, to explain why it is so important to consume these delectable meals. He continues by saying “They will ask you, what you ate when you were in Turkey, and if your answer is not long enough to include the following ten foods, they probably will punish you; but in a bit different way; by making fun of you” . Prepare some outstanding responses to “grave questions” or have your pencils ready to take notes on the ten most delectable foods that Turkey has to offer, which you really must try.

  1. 1 Lahmacun

    The lahmacun, which is sometimes referred to as "Turkish Pizza" by tourists, is a dish that is extremely well-liked in Turkey. It is topped with a variety of spices. Consuming a lahmacun that has been prepared to perfection might make you feel as though you are in heaven. Under normal circumstances, it is a low-cost food that may be found and consumed on every street. However, there are also some locations where you should never eat lahmacun. For instance, there are several restaurants in Bodrum that are quite pricey from a culinary standpoint. Therefore, it is best that you inquire about the cost on such an occasion; otherwise, the weight of such a huge bill might be too much for you to bear.

  2. 2 Pide

    Even though it is shaped differently, like a boat, it is also known as a type of pizza that is traditionally served in Turkey. Additionally, it is possible to observe a multitude of distinct varieties of this cuisine, which commonly consists of three primary combinations: "kaşarlı," "kusbasili," and "karısik." The "Kasarli" kind is eaten with cheese on top, while the "kusbasili" variety is prepared with meat. A combination of these three varieties is what is known as the mixed one, or karisik.

  3. 3 Dolma

    In most cases, it is constructed out of curled sweet green peppers that are stuffed with rice. Dolma and Sarma are frequently confused with one another, despite the fact that they are distinct from one another. However, Sarma is not at all like Dolma. The preparation of this dish, which is created by wrapping rice in grape leaves, is yet another flavor that is quite well-liked in Turkish cuisine.

  4. 4 Sish Kebab

    This is our go-to dish of choice. Because of its incredible flavor, it is a unique component of the lamb, which is such a wonderful and delectable thing that it has the ability to make me close my eyes for days on end. However, I am aware that a member of the staff will come and apologize to me right away, saying, "I am sorry, but there are other customers waiting for a table." There is no joking about the fact that eating the kebab is not a simple task; in fact, there are times when you have to stand for a considerable amount of time in order to get your hands on this wonderful dish, particularly during lunchtime. For your own peace of mind, however, it is well worth the wait.

  5. 5 Doner

    The dish known as Doner is yet another mouthwatering Turkish dish that you will never forget. Both beef and lamb can be used in the preparation of doner; however, the majority of well-known doner chefs prefer to prepare the dish using lamb. In reality, it is meat that is skewered on long skewers and then roasted over a slow fire made of wood. Rice and ayran are typically served alongside it as a food option. It can be served in lavash, which is a particular type of bread made by Doner, or in any other form of bread with the vegetable of your choice. At the same time, you can have it with ayran, which is a unique beverage that is made up of yoghurt, salt, and water.

  6. 6 Iskender

    Bursa, which is considered to be one of the most historically significant cities in Turkey, is the origin of this flavor. There is a type of doner that is served with tomato sauce and butter, and it is composed of chopped meat that is placed on pita bread.

  7. 7 Durum

    Due to the fact that it is so widespread, it can be found in any location. Do not attempt to turn corners in order to get away from this situation; doing so will only result in you seeing another durum house, so that you do not waste your efforts. There are a great number of varieties of durum. It is possible to make it with either meat or chicken, and it is wrapped in lavash, which is a type of Turkish bread. If you are extremely hungry, you can also ask for a doubled lavash; this is another option. Ayran, which is a classic Turkish beverage, is the appropriate beverage to consume in conjunction with this dish.

  8. 8 Balik Ekmek

    Despite the fact that there are numerous pricey forms of fish that only a few of us are able to consume, this inexpensive sandwich is incomparable; nothing can be as good as it is. You should definitely give this sandwich with the famed red pickle a try; this will allow you to take home a memento from Turkey that you will never forget, even if you suddenly lose your memory. However, the greatest place to eat it is at Eminonu, which is located on the Bosphorus in Istanbul.

  9. 9 Simit

    Particularly in the morning, no one is able to resist the irresistible aroma that it contains. In Turkey, beginning each day with a simit is widely considered to be a common practice. Furthermore, it is extremely well-liked by people of all socioeconomic backgrounds, ranging from the most impoverished to the wealthiest. This dish is also considered to be a traditional emblem; it is considered to be a sign of a deep friendship when it is shared with another person.

  10. 10 Kokorec

    It is a different food that is prepared in the same manner as Doner. Kokorec is made up of sweetbreads that have been wrapped around a substantial amount of lamb and then grilled over a wood fire while being skewered in a horizontal position.

    The best Turkish foods are not restricted to the items on this list; of course, there are a great deal of Turkish delicacies that you will truly appreciate, and we hope that we will have the opportunity to share them with you in a subsequent post.

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Emery has always had a love for history and storytelling. As a child, she was captivated by the tales of ancient civilizations and the remarkable figures who shaped the world. Now, she combines her love for historical facts with a gift for narrative, creating compelling articles that bring the past to life in vivid detail. Chloe believes that every story has the power to teach, and she loves sharing that wisdom with her readers.


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