

Imogene O. Boyett

We were unable to proceed any farther without a significant amount of money because hand-drawn animation is each and every bit as stunning as it is expensive. I had never participated in a Kickstarter before, but I've had a lot of fun seeing my friends participate in them, and I thought the whole thing was a lot of fun. To put it another way, we didn't simply want to provide financial support for the performance; we wanted to make it an event! As a result, we got to work preparing some truly incredible incentives! Certainly, the Designer Toy is the most insane of them all! It is not uncommon for a designer toy to be the subject of a Kickstarter campaign; but, we have decided to go ahead and make it an exclusive gift for those who contributed to the pilot.

After several months of preparation, the day of the Kickstarter launch was drawing near. If I'm being completely honest, the first thing that comes to mind when I think about the sensation of anticipation is being nine months pregnant. Although you are on the verge of experiencing something that would completely transform your life, you are unable to shake the nagging anxiety that something might go wrong! It was supposed to be that they would click the launch button after dropping the children off at school, but however, they had other plans! My youngest child was suffering from a fever that morning, and my oldest child was in excruciating pain due to an ear infection! The situation is not ideal, but the show must go on!

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