
Imogene O. Boyett

Even though the day was filled with a frenzy of posts, messages, and appointments with the doctor, we were able to reach our target of $60,000 eight hours later! Truly astounding in every way! In all honesty, I didn't really realize what was going on because everything happened so quickly. We are in fact carrying it out! Animated episodes of Litterbox are likely to be produced in the near future! Even as I type this, I still don't believe that it has really taken my breath away!

What should we do now? The Kickstarter campaign is still active as of the time of this writing! A bigger budget will directly translate into better quality animation, therefore we are going to be doing everything we can to increase that amount over the next month! Our initial target was the very minimum that we felt we could do the show for, but we decided that a higher budget would be preferable.

As a matter of fact! Let's have some more comics, shall we?