People Are Sharing Stories About The “Stupidest Person” They’ve Met, And I’m Wheezing Between Laughs


That one about the lunch, on the other hand…

One day, on the internet, someone shared the story of their pupil, Kevin. Once upon a time. Kevin lacked a very high level of intelligence. As in the phrase, “Kevin didn’t know dogs and cats were different animals.” As a result, here are some additional stories about the “Kevins” in other people’s life, taken from the BuzzFeed Community and the r/StoriesAboutKevin subreddit.

1. The Kevin who could understand Mandarin:

There is a good chance that my sister is a Kevin. At least a dozen more stories are quite similar to this one.

When we went out to lunch at a Chinese restaurant, the waitress, who was of Asian descent, approached us and inquired about what we would like to order in English. As the waitress yells out, “I understood everything she said!” Kevin appears to be in a state of shock and does not even wait for her to depart before he makes his statement.

During the time that my mother is explaining to her that it is because she talked in English, my family watches her with complete and absolute skepticism.

2. The tech genius:

He wanted to print a movie onto paper so that he could use it for a presentation. As soon as the printer had completed printing a screenshot from YouTube, he was all over the place, saying things like, “Wow, the library printers sure are old, they can’t print video yet.”

In response to my question about what the f*** he was talking about, he indicated that the instructor would be more satisfied with our presentation if we included a video that we had printed off. I attempted to convince him that it was impossible, but his reaction was, “Dude, how do you think they manage to pull it off in the Harry Potter movies then?”

3. The curious mind:

At the zoo where I worked, a woman asked me why the newborn chimpanzee was smaller than the adult chimps. I was surprised to hear her question. No matter how many times I reminded her that it was because it was a baby, she told me nothing.

Regarding how else I might have communicated it to her, I am at a loss for words. When she asked me that question, the entire group that she was with let out a collective moan. I’m not even kidding when I say that when I tell you that.

4. The reader:

Apparently, my brother used to be employed at McDonald’s. While he was working his very first shift, he spent about an hour looking at the menu board, completely bewildered by what he was seeing.
After some time had passed, his manager approached him and inquired about his well-being. Kevin’s response was, “What is A.D.D. bacon?”

After appearing perplexed for a little period of time, the manager suddenly broke out laughing and asked, “You mean to add bacon?” Is it possible to put bacon to a burger?

When Kevin finally had a realization, he exclaimed, “Oh, it’s the word add hahahaha thanks.” Kevin’s revelation was like a lighting going off in his mind.

When he got back to his house, he happily shared this humorous tale with everyone.

5. The mathematician:

“Kevina’s mother owns and operates a Subway fast food restaurant, which is a place that my buddy, his partner, and his daughter frequently visit. Kevina, a teenager, was expelled from school by the school administration for reasons that are not totally apparent. For the purpose of keeping her occupied, Kevina is currently working as a trainee “sandwich artist” at the Subway restaurant that her mother owns.

It is common practice for my buddy, his girlfriend, and his daughter to purchase a footlong sub and then request that it be split into thirds so that they may share something. Normally, this wouldn’t be a problem, but Kevina was the one who was serving them at the time. She began by putting together the sub, which she did not accomplish very well, and then she proceeded to cut it in two. Her mother, who was also her supervisor, instructed her to try it once again.

Consequently, Kevina put together an additional sub, and then she proceeded to cut it into quarters. The mouth of my friend was gaping open in shock and he was hiding it with his hand at this moment. She was informed by Kevina’s mother, who is also her supervisor, that slicing the sub into quarters would not be of any use in the event that the client wanted to divide it among three individuals.

Kevina, who was not bothered by the situation, removed one fourth of the sub and declared, “All right, with this, they can divide it among three people!” She made an effort to explain to her mother, who is also her supervisor, that a client will not be satisfied if they do not receive the entire sub that they paid for.

Currently, we are curious about two different things:

To begin, how is it possible for someone to reach their teenage years without having a firm grasp of fractions?

When it comes to the second question, was Kevina’s expulsion from school a result of her displeasure with her extremely low academic performance?

6. The hair remover:

Oh, the stories I have, I believe that my husband has the potential to be the most famous Kevin of all time. When he wanted to remove the hair from his back but no one was available to assist him, it is undoubtedly one of my favorite moments. The brilliant plan that he had was to get Nair body hair remover, spread it out on the floor of the bathroom, and then lie down in it.

I can see him doing Nair angels in our bathroom while he is 6 feet 4 inches tall and above 300 pounds.

He begins his day by taking a shower, washing his hair, and then going about his business. After going to a work appointment, he headed to the gym to do some exercise, and then he went to pick up the children from school. As he was leaving, our son inquired about the reason behind the bald spot that was located on the back of his head.

Wow, he had Nair in his hair and a beautiful bald three shape on the back of his head. He was just gorgeous. The number of hairs that fell out increased after a few more days, until it was a perfect eight.

7. The (overly) cautious one:

This occurred more than ten years ago, when I was seventeen years old. I attended a high school in India, where I was pursuing my A Levels (I am of Indian descent). Kevin was a member of our organization, and he participated in our activities.

He is a really humorous man. He also had a lot of instances that were not Kevin-related. But for the most part, he was a full Kevin; I can’t say for certain if he was being stupid for the purpose of getting laughs or whether he was truly very dumb at times.

At that time, the [emergency contraception] pill that was readily accessible cost around 2.50 USD, was referred to as something along the lines of “Pill 72,” and included two tablets simultaneously. Within the first 72 hours after engaging in sexual activity, the first pill was to be taken, and the second tablet was to be taken 12 hours following the first pill. As a result, we were all aware of that fact because it was noted in the small booklet that was included in the package.

Kevin and his girlfriend both ended up losing their virginity to each other at some point in time. Without a doubt, they did not employ any form of defense. Kevin and his girlfriend were at the residence of my boyfriend, and the rest of us were just hanging around. An individual from a different couple purchased the pill(s) for Kevin’s girlfriend and then gave them to her so that she could take them.

On account of the fact that Kevin was a gentleman, he opened the package for her, poured her a glass of water, and handed her a pill that she was holding in her hand. Then, much to our astonishment and pleasure, he takes the second pill, puts it in his own mouth, and then declares that he is “done.”

Our explanation that he was not supposed to accept it and that it was intended just for her took the next half an hour or so to be delivered. He continued to be unable to comprehend. Not only did we force him to read the pamphlet, but we also looked for a video that he could watch. However, he was not yet persuaded. It came to the point where someone hurried down to obtain another medication for his lady to take the next day, which was twelve hours after the first pill.

According to what I heard, he took the second tablet once more’just to be cautious.’ As a matter of fact, the subsequent time they utilized the pill, they purchased two sets, and he took one set while she received the other. When we attempted to give the girl some common sense, she responded by saying, “Just go with it.”

8. The apiarist:

“When I was in the eighth grade, my instructor had a hard time convincing Kevina that bees are pretty much regular insects, but that when they bite you, they are injecting a poison that, as a defense mechanism, causes you to feel pain.
Evina did not place any faith in her. She believed that the buzzing of bees was due to the fact that they definitely held electricity, and that the sting was thus truly an electric shock.

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Debra K. McDonald
Debra K. McDonald has a natural curiosity for the intricate details of life, always asking "why" and "how." Her love for storytelling began with bedtime stories her grandmother told, sparking an interest in writing from a young age. Whether she's crafting engaging fiction or exploring insightful non-fiction, Mia’s words come from a place of passion and understanding. Writing has become her way to connect with the world and help others discover the wonders she sees every day.


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