While you are doing something that is beneficial to you, you can enjoy a mug of hot chocolate. In addition to being low in carbohydrates, delicious, and packed with antioxidants, this keto hot chocolate with maca and cinnamon also helps improve mood and raises energy levels.

At this time of year, I switch from eating cold salads to warm ones, light cuisine to comfort food, and smoothies to warm and soothing drinks. I also switch from eating breakfast to eating lunch. It is always a wonderful time to have a smoothie, but as of late, I have been finding that I am going more toward beverages that are warm and cozy. In no way am I trying to contradict myself.

I believe that the body has an innate understanding of what it desires. Just right. You get the notion. Yin and yang, night and day, hot and cold… you get the point.
As is the case with a great number of things, hot chocolate transports me back to my childhood. The distinct recollection of my mother warming milk on the stoveboard comes to mind at this moment. low temperatures and a limited number of days. For the purpose of preventing the formation of a skin on the surface of the pot while the sugar and cacao were being prepared, she would instruct me to stir the pot gently. While mom was pouring the hot chocolate into a mug, I would always lick my finger and then dip it in the sugar bowl. This would happen every single time.
When I was in our cozy living room, I would daydream while sitting on the couch with a cup of hot chocolate in my hand. My most cherished form of recreation.
The custom of drinking hot chocolate is still practiced in my household, and the mere mention of it brings smiles to the cheeks of my children. The only difference is that my children choose to steal marshmallows and whipped cream rather than sugar over the past several years.
Consequently, I have made the decision to alter the recipe so that it is more suitable for adults. Instead of using marshmallows and whipped cream, I will be substituting keto maca, cardamom, cinnamon, coconut oil, and keto sweetener. The combination results in a hot chocolate that is not only decadent but also healthful and helpful, and you are going to want to enjoy it during the entire season.
Now that we have that out of the way, let’s discuss a little bit about this healthy hot chocolate, because not only is it delicious, but it also provides a wide range of advantages.

Keto Hot Chocolate With Maca and Cinnamon
- Quick to make
- Makes for a perfect snack
- Is hormone balancing
- warming
- gut healthy
- antioxidant-rich, stress relieving
What is Maca?
Maca is a root that is native to Peru and is grown in the Andes mountains. It is characterized by a flavor that is rich, earthy, and nutty, and it goes very well with chocolate.
Health Benefits of Maca
There is a wide range of health advantages associated with maca. All of them include:
- Increased energy and endurance
- Improved mood
- Hormone balancing in both men and women
- Increased fertility
- Improved memory and focus
- Reduced symptoms of menopause

Raw Cacao vs. Cocoa Powder
You could certainly use cocoa powder for this recipe; however, by doing so, you would be denying yourself the opportunity to reap the true benefits of this superfood. Raw cacao has the ability to:
- Provide a high does of antioxidants
- Can improve mood
- Can balance hormones
- Is heart-healthy
- Has been shown to aid in weight loss
It is important to note that the ordinary all-purpose cocoa powder has undergone extensive processing and frequently contains chemicals. Choose authentic cacao wherever it is possible to do so.
How To Make This Keto Hot Chocolate?
Raw cacao, the plant milk of your choice, maca powder, ground cinnamon, ground cardamom, coconut oil, and an optional keto sweetener of your choice are the ingredients that you will need to make this warming beverage. Put all of the ingredients into a pot, and then heat them for five minutes on medium-low heat. Make a frothy concoction by blending the ingredients together in a blender.