Debra K. McDonald wrote a new post 5 months, 1 week ago
"You Can’t Pay Me Enough To Do It": People Over 40 Are Revealing The Things They Are Simply "Too Old" To Deal With Anymore
“I’ve never had a problem with it in previous years — but this past fall, I was honestly offended.” Have you ever reached a point in your life where you r […]
Debra K. McDonald wrote a new post 5 months, 1 week ago
Parents Are Sharing The Children's Movies That Are Almost Too Painful To Re-Watch, And IDK How We Watched Any Of These As Kids
“When I was a youngster, the scene would give me nightmares. Since I saw it for the very first time, I haven’t watched it at all, and I have no intention of […]
Debra K. McDonald wrote a new post 5 months, 1 week ago
I Just Spent The Past 20 Minutes Laughing Uncontrollably At All These Pictures And Now I Really Need You To See Them
Let me catch my breath. 1. A deal on meat: reddit In a move that was both humorous and spiteful, 50 Cent escalated his long-running feud with Ja […]
Debra K. McDonald wrote a new post 5 months, 1 week ago
10 Wildly Petty Celeb Moments That I Couldn't Forget Even If I Tried
It’s like watching a massive reality show when you pay attention to the news about celebrities. For instance, the following are some instances of […]
Debra K. McDonald wrote a new post 5 months, 1 week ago
8 Tricky People Who Exploited Loopholes To Pull One Over On Greedy Corporations, Mean Landlords, And Other Jerks
Don’t you think it’s great when the underdog comes out on top for a change on occasion? Unseen flaws! You have to adore them! Over the course of your life, […]
Debra K. McDonald wrote a new post 5 months, 1 week ago
10 Wildly Cringe-Worthy Celeb Moments That I Feel Like We Let Slide
In addition, I completed all of it on the very first day of my period. Are you able to believe it? The following is a list of ten embarrassing celebrity […]
Debra K. McDonald wrote a new post 5 months, 1 week ago
Millennial Parents Are Sharing The Things They Really, Really Wish Their Boomer Parents Understood
The times have changed, and parenting styles that were acceptable to baby boomers may not necessarily be acceptable to parents of today’s millennial […]
Debra K. McDonald wrote a new post 5 months, 1 week ago
People Who Had Chance Encounters With Beloved Celebrities Are Sharing Whether Or Not The Saying "Don't Meet Your Heroes" Really Holds Up
“I still tear up thinking about how kind he was to us.” An individual who uses the Reddit platform ksndkendkfjeknx posted the following question: “What is […]
Debra K. McDonald wrote a new post 5 months, 1 week ago
Dentists Are Revealing The Biggest Mistakes People Make With Their Dental Hygiene, And You're Probably Guilty Of These
The proper technique for crushing is essential. I am unable to tell you the number of patients who claim to wash their teeth twice a day, yet I still detect […]
Debra K. McDonald wrote a new post 5 months, 1 week ago
These Products Must Have Been Designed By Masterminds
How did someone come up with the idea of a hands-free pot stirrer and a foot hammock that can be used while flying? That is all I want to know. 1. A pair o […]
Debra K. McDonald wrote a new post 5 months, 1 week ago
People Are Sharing Stories About The "Stupidest Person" They've Met, And I'm Wheezing Between Laughs
That one about the lunch, on the other hand… One day, on the internet, someone shared the story of their pupil, Kevin. Once upon a time. Kevin lacked a v […]
Debra K. McDonald wrote a new post 5 months, 1 week ago
13 Of The Best Sketches From "The Baroness Von Sketch Show"
According to the sources, “The Baroness Von Sketch Show” is comprised of The Women in Sports Bars sketch is a humorous take on the gender dynamics that […]
Debra K. McDonald wrote a new post 5 months, 1 week ago
10 Cringe worthy Design Fails That Are So Bad, They’re Funny
The entire reason for employing a professional designer is to ensure that the task is completed successfully. So that’s what we’d want to believe. However, it […]
Debra K. McDonald wrote a new post 5 months, 1 week ago
10 People Shared Before And After Pictures Of Trees Growing Through The Years
All the trees, all the trees! Our modest view is that there is not enough natural nature in the earth, despite the fact that we are neither Ents or Elves. In […]
Debra K. McDonald wrote a new post 5 months, 1 week ago
12 Extremely Fascinating Pictures That Will Completely And Totally Change Your Perspective On Nature And The World
This would most certainly feature breathtaking and thought-provoking photographs of the natural world and its inhabitants! The adjective “extremely […]
Debra K. McDonald wrote a new post 5 months, 1 week ago
10 Inappropriate But Very Funny Photos That Only Bad People Will Laugh At
There is no need to act as if you are someone you are not; feel free to use the click-in button! An example of a popular sort of clickbait article or meme […]
Debra K. McDonald wrote a new post 5 months, 1 week ago
10 Halloween Movies From Your Childhood That You Forgot About
I thought it would be a nice idea to go back to your youth with these iconic yet forgotten spooky season movies because Halloween is steadily creeping up on […]
Debra K. McDonald wrote a new post 5 months, 1 week ago
14 Relatable ADHD Memes For The Easily Distracted
Around the world, more than 366 million adults suffer with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). For the United States of America alone, it is […]
Debra K. McDonald wrote a new post 5 months, 1 week ago
14 Funny Memes That Might Make You Want To Rewatch “The Office” For The 10th Time
Despite the fact that it has been eleven years since we said our final goodbyes to the Dunder Mifflin group, “The Office” continues to enjoy a healthy amount […]
Debra K. McDonald wrote a new post 5 months, 1 week ago
10 Extremely Dumb Pictures That Make Me Laugh Uncontrollably Literally Every Single Time I Think Of Them
Belief in me. You do require them. The following is a brief breakdown of a few categories of photos that are so incredibly stupid that they have the […]
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